Saturday, January 19, 2008

Saturday Special (Personal Preferences)

~My Personal Preferences~
1. Quiet evening at home or Out on the town?:
It depends but mostly I'd prefer a quiet evening at home doing my digital scrapbooking.
2. Watching a movie or Reading a good book?:
I'm facing up my laptop most of the time so I do watch movie in it and read a good book sometimes.
3. Ordering a meal or cooking one yourself?:
I order a meal sometimes but mostly I'm cooking one myself.

4. Going for a walk or taking a ride in the car?
I'd love taking for a walk but that's only if not cold. Now that the weather is really cold I'd prefer to ride in my car.
Join here Saturday Special


Jodi said...

Great answers! Have a good weekend!

Unknown said...

I love digital scrapbooking too!

Mine is up!

Unknown said...

Well, it isn't cold here at all, but oh, it rains so terribly!

We don;t have a car, so there's no choice.

Feel welcome to read mine here

Happy weekend!