Saturday, April 11, 2009

Enjoying Your Holiday

Saturday 9: Enjoying Your Holiday

1. There are several religious holidays going on this weekend. Any plans?
Just go to church tomorrow and have dinner after that. I will be preparing some food. Set up an egg hunt for my daughter.

2. Do you look forward to holiday events or do they stress you out?
Yes and no

3. Do you have any traditional meals that you will eat?
Not really

4. We are changing seasons. What are you looking forward to?
Great outdoor activities
5. Around here it is turning to spring. What signals spring to you?
A new beginning

6. What is your favorite season and why?
Spring and fall because it’s not too cold and not too hot.

7. Do you have a favorite food when dining out?
Caesar salad and lasagna
8. What is your favorite beverage when out?

9. When is your next big night out?
I don’t really know!

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